Thursday, July 30, 2009

Today's Post

Philippians 3:8-10
"What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider these rubbish, that I might gain Christ and be found in Him...I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead."

I realized that, as I read these verses last night, I can't say that I agree wholeheartedly with Paul. I wish that I could. I desperately want to be able to say that I consider all the worldly possessions and endeavors that I find myself pursuing to be worthless. I wish that I found more enjoyment out of reading the bible and memorizing scripture than I do playing video games and watching TV. I wish that when I was frustrated or upset I wanted to run to the bible and prayer rather than go buy something. But, if we're being honest here, I can't say that. I don't know why. Maybe I just don't understand the magnitude of what Jesus did when He died on that cross and then was resurrected. Maybe I just don't realize how intimately He wants to be involved in my life and how much He wants to show me if only I'd spend my time watching for Him and in fellowship with Him. Maybe I don't have enough faith. After all, whoever wants to please God must have faith, believing that when they come to Him, He hears and answers their prayers.

I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I think I was just stunned by what I didn't know about myself. I mean, there are things that I think are true about me. I have heard this verse before and assumed I believed it. But, after some introspection, I realized that I didn't take it too heart like I should. This is a pretty serious passage with some huge implications. I mean, think about it. Everything we acquire and accomplish is meaningless compared to what we're missing out on if we're not doing it in and through our relationship with Christ. Basically, if it meant that quitting my job, selling everything I own, and becoming a nomadic wanderer was the only way to get closer to Christ, then that's what I'd do. I think Paul meant it that way. Luckily, God doesn't call us to be destitute. He calls us to seek Him above anything else and let Him take care of all the things we so desperately crave.

This passage makes me wonder what else I'm getting wrong. My prayer is that you too would take some time and do some soul searching as you read through the scripture, just to make sure you actually do believe what you profess. If you're as surprised by what you find as I was, then stop right there and pray that the Holy Spirit would show you what you need to do about it.

God bless you all!

Friday, July 17, 2009

This is a poem that the Holy Spirit laid on my heart this morning. I just started typing and in about 15 minutes, there it was. Amazing that He would inspire me like that.

There’s a baby with a heartbeat
There’s a little life inside
It’s not a political agenda
It’s not about women’s rights

Not an accident; no mistake
Not a horrid source of shame
It’s a miracle and a blessing
The greatest gift you can claim

Look at the picture on that black and white display
Listen to the heart beat, the rhythm that it makes

How can you deny that the baby is alive?
Is it just because you can’t hear it cry?
Or is it because you have no room in your life?
Are you too afraid to try?

Does it ease your guilt to say it’s not alive?
Does it make it easier to go to sleep at night?
Do you ever catch yourself wondering if she’d have your eyes?
Or if he’d have his father’s laugh, maybe your mother’s smile?

Does the echo from the empty womb haunt you now and then?
Reminding you of how ultimately selfish that you’d been.
You let society convince you that you could have it all.
And that this little nuisance would only cause you to fall

You lived your life for pleasure, aware of the risks,
And now you act as though you didn’t ask for this.
Slept around as if love was something you could earn
Now you’re with child and that guy is long since gone

You don’t need this, or want this, and so the lie is spun.
You’ve got too much ahead of you to have a daughter or son.
The feminist will tell you it’s a pest, a parasite
Until it’s born into this world, it’s not really alive

But the voice of the one who formed the child inside of you
Is crying out to hold on and listen to the truth
‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew your name.
Before you were born my plans for you had all been laid.”

So calm your heart and hear my still small voice
It’s not late to turn around and make a different choice.
Remember, you’re only here today because your mom’s faith
Gave her the courage to make the choice you’re too afraid to make.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thoughts on worship

So, I know it's been a long time since I blogged. I just haven't made the time. I could sit here and type out a bunch of excuses about how busy I've been with work, travel, or the kids, but that'd be a lie. The truth is, I haven't made the time. Instead of devoting myself to honing my God-given talent, I have devoted myself to my own entertainment. I spend my evenings watching TV shows that I really don't like and that don't offer any edification to me and my soul. The only saving grace is that I'm usually cuddled up next to Sarah on the couch while watching the brain-melting shows. On the weekends when the family is napping, I play video games instead of letting lose the thoughts swirling around in my head and nawing away at my heart.

I think this is because it is easier to just sit and be entertained. It doesn't take energy and it doesn't take submission to the Holy Spirit. There's no gamble in playing video games, other than my bruised ego when the computer cheats--which it often does--and beats me. But, I don't have to worry about hurting feelings or writing something that doesn't stir up the same emotions in the hearts of those that journey into the recesses of my mind. I don't have wrestle with notions that I'm might be clinging just a little too tightly to, inspite of the Holy Spirit's urging to loose my grip. I don't have to put myself out there.

But, like a singer who refuses to sing because of fear of deaf ears, or a painter not painting for fear of a blind audience, without application I'll never know what God could do through me. No matter the audience, I have to trust that God will hone my gift in a manner that brings Him the most glory. After all, that is why we are each individually gifted, right? You know that right? Our gifts are fitted perfectly for us so that, when in sweet surrender, we are able to bring God the most glory. There is nothing sweeter than being able to worship God through the gifts He's given you. Painters, pick up your brushes! Singers, cry out your melody! Preachers, preach the Good News! Warriors, lace up your boots! Farmers, hitch your plows! Doctors, don your scrubs! Pilots, soar to new heights! Brothers and Sisters in Christ, worship the Lord with all that you are because that is what you were designed for!

All that God wants is all of you, just how He made you. We are free to be who God made us. There are no rules that say we have to be like this or like that. Jesus has set us free to use our gifts to glorify Him without fear or half-heartedness. Giving of ourselves wholly, completely, and unabashedly to Him is our spiritual act of worship. That is authentic worship. If we as a body could learn how to do this, there's no telling what God could do through us. The thought of it is just too exciting!

I'm not talking about using our gifts to glorify us or bring fame and adulation to ourselves. I don't care if I make a penny through my writing or if anyone reads this blog. God will draw men to Himself when we lift His name up. We just need to be ready to use our gifts when God opens opportunity for us. We must remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting and ensure our talents don't gather dust from being stored upon the shelves of our lifes.

If you are shaking your head right now saying you don't have any gifts, you're doing yourself and God a disservice. Pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal your gift and give you courage to take up the art of worshipping your creator in and through the very manner He gave you to worship Him.

Cry out to God with all that you are by being all that He created you to be!!!

Wow, I didn't sit down expecting to write this blog at all. I was just going to complain about not knowing what I'm supposed to do. Praise the Lord for His inspiration! My the Peace of Christ and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit carry you today! God bless you all.