Friday, June 10, 2011

Welcome back

Time to start blogging again. My year and a half sabbatical is over. Since I blogged last, we've moved to North Carolina, had two more kids, I've changed jobs three times, got selected for Major, started teaching a Sunday School small group, turned 32 and 33, yada, yada, yada...

So, needless to say, I've grown a lot just by virtue of the experiences and changes we've gone through. I will tell you this. God is so much bigger than I thought! His plans are infinitely larger than what my mind can conceive, and his ability to bring those plans to fruition is infinitely stronger than my faith can perceive. His plans are life-long, not just limited to each individual circumstance that I face, even though I try to limit Him to one crisis at a time, as if He is surprised at what is going on in my life.

Also, I've learned that, while my attitude can't inhibit what God is doing in my life, it can definitely: a) hinder my ability to enjoy my life and experience His peace, and b) hamper the leadership that I exude with my family, at work, and as a Sunday School teacher. And, my attitude is completely up to me! I control if I only see the bad or inconvenience in every situation. God only intends experiences for my good (not necessarily my immediate emotional happiness, which is where I get hung up), but I can, by choice, take everything as a punishment or withholding of some sort on His part. Thus, I wear a look that says I just ate some sour grapes.

It's all about perspective. Do I let myself believe the age-old lie that God is conning me and that this experience/possession/achievement is really all that I need to be happy? Or, unlike Eve and Adam, do I tell the devil to take a hake and trust that the Almighty Creator, my Father, has only good intentions for me. It's really not that far of a stretch if you think about it. After all, I'm a dad and I would never, ever do anything to my kids that wasn't for their growth and benefit. And, as imperfect as I am, if I am that way, how much better at it is God? Also, I'm created in the image of God, bearing the Spirit of God, and my tendencies are to bless my children and look out for them (feed, clothe, protect, nurture, educate, LOVE, etc.). Wouldn't those be His tendencies and concerns for His children? Just connecting the dots people...

So, anyway, that's what I've learned over the silent months. I just had some stuff to sort out, you know? Well, I'm glad to be back. I hope you enjoy my ramblings. Please offer your comments, thoughts, points of view, etc. I'd love to learn from you!