Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Conduit? But I don't know if I "con-do-it!"

So I was thinking to myself the last few days. I said, "Self, how do you think we're supposed to reach the world for Christ?" My self didn't have a response. Go figure! So, without an answer to cling too, I began to ponder this more and more.

If you've sat in a Baptist church in the past, oh I don't know, 40 years, you've probably heard the term "witness." To those who know, we recognize that this term means to "tell people about Jesus." After all, that makes sense, right? We should be telling people about Christ. We should be telling them how awesome He is and how much He's done for us in our lives. We should also tell them that without Him, they can't get to God. We should tell them how He loves them and died for their sin as well so that, if they'd just turn to Him, He'd forgive them and offer them a place in His kingdom. We should tell them that that void they're trying to fill can never be filled up by what they're trying to fill it with. It can only be filled by allowing Jesus to fill it up with Himself. We should be telling people about all of this. But...

I haven't found that many opportunities to do that lately. I find myself feeling more like I'm selling a product rather than talking about this personal Savior that I know and interact with constantly. Plus, I'm a little afraid of confrontation. It seems a lot of people aren't looking to be enlightened. They're looking for a fight, in which they can prove themselves right and all "Christians" wrong. So I started thinking, "Why do people want so badly to argue with us and reject the idea of learning about Christ?" Why are they so angry at us? Here's what I came up with. While sharing the Gospel is one of our chief directives, I believe the first and foremost is to be a conduit for Jesus to share His love with people.

People who don't know Jesus can easily deny His existence, thereby dismissing any "logic" we might be able to share with them. But, they can't deny our existence. They can see, hear, touch, and interact with us. So, we are the closest thing to Jesus they're going to see here on Earth. Therefore, we must be His conduit to them. We must position ourselves in a place where they can experience the love of Christ flowing through us. If we're too busy judging them by making assumptions about what they think, feel, believe, or where they've come from and where they're going, we lose the ability to truly connect with them and lay the foundation through which we can convey Christ's love to them.

By accepting them as they are, just like Christ accepted us, and showing them love and serving them, we begin to build trust. They see that we really do care about them and we're not just trying to make a sale. If you look through the Gospels, I think you'll find that Jesus was always patient, compassionate, and a loving servant to the lost. It was the supposed "religious experts" that He was hard on. These were the ones who didn't get it.

So what am I saying? I don't know. Maybe I'm just rambling. I just know how I treat telemarketers. I know exactly who's on the phone when I answer a call from an unknown caller and hear that pause and someone comes on the line and asks for a "Mr. H-A-G-A-R." It's a dead giveaway that they don't know me and that they're just trying to sell me something. I instantly tune them out and look for my first opportunity to cut them off, tell them to leave me alone, and hang up on them. (I know, not the best way to be a conduit, but I'm trying.) Don't you think it's the same for the lost people who maybe haven't been brought to that broken place in their lives yet where they are searching for God. Suddenly some stranger walks up to a person and hands him or her a track on the dangers of drug use and that turning to God is the only way to break the habit. What would you think if you were that person? I know what my friend thought when it happened to him. He was offended. First of all, because he knows the Lord; second of all, he doesn't use drugs and has family issues due to drug and alcohol use. The message was not received.

Don't we do that all the time? We make assumptions about people and their status before we even take the time to get to know them. To be a conduit, we need to reach out to them first, regardless of our initial impression (unless the initial impression is that they want to cause you harm. Use your best judgment should that happen.), and try to see how God is working on them and how we can best meet their needs, whatever that might be. I'm not saying that we need to participate in their lifestyles if they are obviously doing things that are in direct contrast to how the Word says we should be living. But, we can find a safe ground to love them on, so that we meet them where they are at and minister to them without falling into temptation ourselves.

Ok, this is really getting out of hand. So, I'll just leave you with this. How are you going to convince someone that Jesus is real and worth serious consideration if that person doesn't trust you and hasn't witnessed any of this love you're telling them that Jesus has for them? God bless you as you try and understand how God would have you interact with those whom He's put in your path. They might be closer than you think.

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging symbol. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing." 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fresh Eyes

So, I was out on my patio enjoying the wonderful evening, smoking a very nice cigar, courtesy of my father-in-law, and a drinking a really good beer (Brooklyn Lager...shout out to my friends from NY). It was really peaceful. So peaceful in fact that I had time to just sit and listen to the evening and watch my family through the sliding glass door, and just enjoy watching them without worry about a meeting or checking my blackberry. It was nice and a little overdue if you know what I mean. I started praying for my brother Goldie and my close-as-brothers Deerhunter and MochaBear. (In case you haven't realized, I've changed the names of the innocent to protect their identities.) I was really praying for them because they're all deployed right now, two on ships, and one in Iraq. I was praying obviously for their safety, but more importantly that they'd know that their families miss them. We all have two kids each, all between the ages of 5 and 2 weeks. And we all are in desperate love with our families. I pray for them as often as I can. I can empathize with them because I was once in their shoes. So I know how hard it is to watch your kids grow up in pictures, especially when you live to interact with them, to hold them, and love on them. So, if you have a moment in your day not filled with chaos, please stop and pray for them.

Anyway, so after I came back to earth, I saw my wife walking around, entertaining the kids and our guests, Mrs. Mochabear and her kids. And how much I loved her just hit me. I really saw her through fresh eyes. My wife is beautiful, charming, hilarious, caring, giving, full of infectious optimism, honest, loving, beautiful, intelligent, challenging, and my biggest fan. She truly is everything that I never knew I wanted, and all that God knew I needed. I was just overwhelmed with love and, more importantly, appreciation for her. I say appreciation is more important because, as most of you know, it is really easy to overlook all the things that our spouses do for us. I reflected on the past few weeks and God revealed to me many times when I got mad at her for no reason whatsoever. She does nothing all day long but consider other people, whether it be kids or me or her friends. Yet, I have the gall to become offended if, heaven forbid, she doesn't read my mind and know exactly what I need without me having to voice it. I felt really convicted for my quiet resentment and I prayed for forgiveness. I'll ask for her forgiveness later this evening.

That conviction really opened my eyes even more. I began to see myself through fresh eyes. I really came to see how truly selfish and self-absorbed I've been, pretty much for the past 10 years. (Give or take a few years.) I have been overly concerned with what God has in store for me and what it's going to cost me. I have tried like crazy to avoid inconvenience, to minimize commitment that costs too much, and to not get too over-involved in other people's issues. Whoa!!! And I'm supposed to be following Christ? So, again, I prayed for forgiveness and began to count my blessings, blessings that were bestowed on me, despite my narcissistic tendencies.

Wow! Think about that. In spite of all that bad that we do, or the good we don't do, God still reigns down His blessings. Heck, He even died for us when we were the worst possible versions of ourselves, lost and living in a destructive relationship with darkness. He reached out, grabbed up, dusted us off, cleaned us up, and took us in His arms, never to turn loose of us. Our only requirement is to love Him in return more than we love ourselves, believe in Him, and stay in His arms. Everything else, the loving others, sharing our faith, tithing, worshipping Him is simply an outpouring of that love for Him. If we aren't doing those things, that fruit, if you will, then we must ask ourselves, "Am I loving God more or me?" Falling in love with God is just like falling in love with my wife. It is a daily decision that I can totally screw up if I'm not careful to put her needs first. Same with God. If I don't daily make that commitment to love Him more, then I'll lapse back into my narcissism and my spiritual muscles atrophy. It's no different that my physical muscles atrophying from a lack of use. The same theory applies to marriage and loving God.

But, at the end of the day, just like the gym is still there waiting on me, and my wife is still there lying next to me just wanting to be loved and appreciated, God is waiting for me to hop back in His arms, snuggle up against His chest, and let Him take care of me. Isn't it just crazy! Wow! It just blows my mind.

When was the last time you looked at yourself through fresh eyes? What about your spouse? What about God? It is truly an "eye-opening" experience. (Pun totally intended.) If it's been a while, maybe you should consider trying. What have you go to lose?

"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly...But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:6, 8

Friday, March 6, 2009

Yes, Jeremiah 29:11 again. (No comments from you Austin)

So, there I was re-reading my previous blogs when I discovered that I used the same verse two blogs in a row. Apparently, my editorial skills are not quite that sharp yet. Getting past my feelings of sheepishness, I began to analyze how that happened. You know, that verse is pretty pertinent for what I'm facing in a lot of areas of my life right now. Finances, career, parenting, you name it and I can find a way in which this verse brings inspiration. Let's take a look.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans for a hope and a future."

Just say that out loud a few times. Think about each phrase between the commas. Chew on those for a moment. This is really remarkable! This verse really speaks to me that no matter what it is I worry about--and I do worry more than I should--it is going to be ok. The situation might not be what I picture and when I picture it to be, but it is going to be perfect because it is meant for not only my good, but for my prosperity. That means the same for you. No matter what your facing, it is meant for your prosperity and it is personalized for you from God. They're God's plans. We don't have to come up with them on our own. We don't have to strategize. We just have to turn to God and ask Him to reveal them to us. There is no burden on us other than to trust the Lord. I often get bogged down, worrying about what the future holds and if I'll survive it. What a waste of energy! Jeremiah 29:11 promises that if I will get out of the way and let Him puts His plans in motion, not only will I be ok, but I'll prosper and have a future. Look out Joel Osteen!

But Garrett, what does that look like? How do I apply that? Oh what, you think just because I'm writing this blog that I have the answers? You'd think. Unfortunately, I don't. But, fret not. I do have something to share that might, at least, point you in the right direction.

I can't tell you what trusting God and letting Him institute His plans, because that is really between you and Him. But, I can tell you what God's been laying on my heart. I waste a lot of time and mental energy trying to solve the puzzle of my future. You know, I could be using that energy to mediate on Jesus' words, praying for other people in my life, and asking God to show me how I can just love people more. I think that last one is really the key and maybe the second to last one because of how it feeds into focusing on others. I really think there is something big disguised in that small package (focus Austin). What are we really here for? Yea, I know the Sunday School answers. But really think about it for a second.

Done? Here's what I think. It is truly to love God and love others. If we love God, we obey Him. He commands us to love others as yourself. So, by loving others, we love God. Loving others as yourself means exactly what it says. It can look like serving and demonstrating compassion toward them. It can also be seen in giving and maintaining relationships.

So, short story long. Don't waste your time worrying about what the future holds. Instead, spend that time asking God to show you how to love others, especially those whom you don't find it natural and easy to love. Then, you won't be getting in the way of the future plans.

God bless you. Hager out!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Nothing to say

So, I'm sitting here staring at this computer screen because Austin has been giving me a hard time about not keeping up my blog. But what else is new. All he does is give me a hard time. So, why am I trying so hard to put keys to screen (the tech version of putting pen to paper)? I don't know. I feel like I should say something encouraging, something uplifting to inspire the two of you that read this blog. But, I really don't know what to say. I can't think of anything deep. I'm too busy being inundated with this shallow, superficial TV show called the Bachelor. This stupid show this is nothing more than an experiment in human depravity. How can anyone like this show? It's ridiculous! Only one couple has made it in over 10 seasons. How is that evidence that this show works. All it does is set people up to get hurt. Do they really expect a guy to fall in love with one girl when they throw 25 of them at him and take them on these unrealistic dates that would never happen in real life? Of course not! They are playing to the weakness of man. Sex. Sex doesn't equal love and rarely precedes love. They are also playing to the weakness of women by promising this fairy tale romance that is completely unrealistic. They use these people to boost ratings. But, the craziest part is that people keep subjecting themselves to this experience.

We poor lost people. So lost in the pursuit of that one thing, that one decision, that one opportunity that will magically make our lives perfect. That one "magic" pill doesn't exist. The fact of the matter is that we live in a fallen world full of heartache and pain and misery. There is only one fairy tale. It's the story of a creator that was so in love with His creation, that in the midst of their depravity, He shed His crown, stepped down from His throne, and became one of us. He lived a life that we are incapable of living and then let us crucify Him for the very sins we've committed. Then He rose again so that we could be reunited with Him in Heaven when our lives on this earth are over.

The hard part is having to endure this life. There are wonderful gifts and blessings that God gives us, but the perfect fairy tale romance is not one of them. It can never be because a relationship involves the union of two imperfect people. The problems arise when we start basing the correctness of our situation based on these false images of how life "should" be. Our hearts are deceitful and fickle and can't be trusted left to their own desires. Only God knows our hearts and knows who we really are. The trick is trusting Him to reveal the life He has for us in His time. Will you let me know when you figure out? Thanks. God bless you guys.

Now leave me alone Austin!