Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Please remain calm..."

I just want to reach out to everyone who might read this today and tell you, "Be encouraged today!" I have no idea what you're facing. Maybe you're facing a tough decision. Maybe you're dealing with family issues. Maybe your finances are weighing you down. Maybe your PlayStation 3 won't work. I don't know. But, whatever it is, God is bigger than the outcome you're fearing, should you're fears be proven correct.

Read over Psalm 40 today. It offers some pretty encouraging stuff. It really shows how much God intercedes in our lives on a moment-by-moment basis if we allow Him too. Verses 1-3 say, "I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord."

So, in a difficult situation that is really stressing us out, our role is simply to wait on God. That's all we have to do and He'll do the rest. He'll work the situation in a way that is best for us and glorifying to Him. Simple, right? Acutally, it sounds pretty vague to me. I think maybe it means that we don't have to let our apprehensions and misgivings force us into jumping to a decision or being too afraid to make a decision, thereby letting an opportunity pass. I think, too often, we rob God of the opportunity to give us something amazing that we'll be singing about to everyone we come in contact with for days to come. Instead, we get scared because we really don't trust His ability to reveal Himself to us and we pass on something great. Or, we jump at the first thing we see because we're afraid that if we don't act now, we'll miss out and it'll never get any better.

But, then again, some would argue that everything that happens is supposed to happen, so we just need to ignore our situation and find contentment where we're at by focusing on God and His goodness. I'm not advocating either way, at least not intentionally. I just know that it says God will pull us out of the muck and mire if we turn to and wait on Him. So, obviously we somehow got in a situation that we're not supposed to be in. Man, that free will. What a brain teaser!

Anyway, even if you're more confused now than ever, be encouraged! Nothing has come upon you that you are not able to overcome through the help of Christ Jesus. God wants to prosper you and put a song in your heart that will turn people toward Him. We just need to cling tightly to Him and not listen to the nay-sayers and the lost when they call us foolish and misguided. We know the truth. It is in us. We just have to believe it and really trust that God is in control and at work in our lives moment by moment. I can't tell you exactly how, but the Holy Spirit can. Pursue Him more passionately than you pursue everything else in your live and He will show up!

I love you all! Be blessed today and keep your eyes on God. Fight the desire to panic. Fully give yourself into His hands. He will raise you up! Amen and Adios!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Faith Tester

Well, my worst political fears have come to pass. Barrack Obama has been elected President and the Social Liberals have gained even more control of the Congress. It was a bleak evening last night and the forecast isn't looking much better. I think the worst part about being a pessimist is that even when you're right, you're not elated. I just knew that Obama would win. But, unlike the mesmerized masses that have been lead to the water by the media-dubbed "Chosen One" and drank without question, gulp after gulp, there was no celebration upon confirmation of my hypothesis. It was just that same ol' sinking feeling that you get after you scratch off that last square on the lottery ticket that just gave you two $10,000 signs and only requires one more to win. You know deep down that your chances are too slim to bank on, but you can't help but have that tiny little glimmer of hope that says, "You might actually be a winner!" But, in the end, the square only reveals a $1 sign and your instincts again prove accurate. Unfortunately, that tiny little glimmer was big enough to cause that rise in your stomach that you now feel sinking like the Titanic fresh off a brush with an iceberg. What can you do? There is no "I told you so" moment. It's all the victory with none of the spoils. You were proven right again. Yay for you. (Notice the intentional absence of an exclamation point.)

So, what do we hopeful, prayerful Christians who were praying for anything other than Obama and what looks like some inevitable "Nero-esque" Rome burning do now? Well, hopefully, retreating to Montana to join a militia is not on your immediate agenda. For a while there, it looked like Montana was swinging left as well. (Way to hang on Montana!) You have to do what I did this morning. I grabbed my heavily caffeinated, fat-free, "Vote for Change"-free cup of JOE and opened up the Bible. It was inspiring!

I turned to 2 Peter and started at Chapter 1. The first three verses were quite uplifting. It talked of how we have everything we need for this life and to be godly in our knowledge of God and of Christ. Grace and Peace flow in abundance through that very knowledge. If anything, we are going to need lots, and lots of Grace and Peace over the next 4 years. Grace to show love to the Obama supporters and Peace to trust that life as we know it won't come to a screaching halt (and if it does, we'll still be sustained). If we dig into the word and not give into the temptation to throw our hands in the air and scream, "What's the point?," then God will pour His Grace and Peace into our lives and show us that it is not a President, a Government, or legislation that sustains us. It is not a campaign slogan or a nebulous "hope for change" that will be our anchor and guide. It is not a man of flesh and blood that will be our savior. It is the only real Chosen and Risen Son of God that saves us and offers the only real hope for change in our lives and neither has His campaign slogan nor have His values ever changed!!! Nor are they ambiguous and uncertain!! His agenda is still the same--that all should come to know Him (Jesus not Obama) as their one and only hope for salvation!! (Notice the presence of many exclamation points!)

So, on this day of historical significance, I urge you to dig into the Word and get yourself grounded in what God says and strive to apply it to your lives. Work on increasing your knowledge of God and His word daily. The Father will sustain us and He will prove Himself worthy of our allegiance. His track record speaks for itself!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Ok, I will try to keep this short today. No real verse to read or dissect. Just a thought I had walking into work this morning. The thought was about influence. I started thinking to myself. I said, "Self, do you influence anyone, or are you influenced by someone?" The answer I got back was sobering. In my life, probably 90%-95% of the time, I am influenced by others. I let them dictate my thoughts concerning decisions I need to make. This could be little stuff like where to eat out or what types of PT exercises to do. But, it is also in the larger decisions, like what to do with my life, where to move, who to hang out with, where to go to church...and the list goes on. It kind of saddened me to realize that I spend most of my time seeking answers from everybody else rather than trusting my own ability to communicate with God via the Holy Spirit. Two thoughts and I'm done.

1) While it is well and good to bounce your ideas and thoughts off trusted friends and family, they are not the ones responsible for making those decisions. We must have confidence in what the Holy Spirit is telling us. The Holy Spirit will more than likely speak more clearly to you and your spouse than to someone else. Also, you have no idea what other experiences are affecting the filter through which someone is looking at your situation. Even if the trusted confidant is speaking with the most sincere desire to help you and see you make the right choice, they still might miss what God wants to tell you. So, accept and be thankful for the advise, but realize, ultimate accountability for our decisions rests on us. God won't hold them responsible for choices we make or fail to make. Let the Holy Spirit by your primary influence.

2) In all relationships, there's the influencer and the influencee. God calls us to be the influencer. Obviously, if we're in the midst of sin, we should be open to the influence of a Christian spouse or brother that is telling us to repent. Think of Nathan and King David. But, aside from that, I believe that we are called to influence others for Christ to do the right things. That could be as simple as influencing someone to focus on God's blessings, living a joyful life, what activities we invest our time in, and to the jokes we tell/laugh at. These truths are constant whether the relationship is with a fellow believer or a non-believer.

I believe, however, the influence I'm talking about is not the abusive influence that insults, hurts, or judges. That kind of influence only causes the believer to stumble and the non-believer to rebel. The influence I'm talking about is the calm, constant, loving influence that, day-after-day, through loving actions and sincerity, convince someone that there is something to this Christian faith. It is 10% what we say and 90% what we do, day in and day out. Hearing me say that trusting God is the only way to live might impact your life a little. But watching me trust in God, no matter what the circumstances, over a span of time while I'm saying to trust in God will have a tremendous impact. Obviously, don't avoid calling a sin a sin. Just do it with gentleness and love. Remember, we're all sinners. Rebuke how you want to be rebuked.

How do we do this? The answer is to put your confidence in God and live your life in a way that says, "I believe that God is who He says He is and fulfills His promises." Being confident in who God is will allow you to live the life of an influencer because you will be able to make tough decisions, trusting that God is guiding you. Also, you won't feel the need to submit to someone else's ideas and/or example of behavior because you know you've submitted to the Most High God and that He's taking care of you. One thing I've found is that, most of the time, if I allow myself to be influenced by others, I'm really seeking their approval. The only approval we need is from God. We get that by being His child and by obeying Him. He says, "Trust me." So, let's do it and let's influence others as we go! God bless you all!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Well, it could be worse..."

Today's Verse: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans for a hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29-11

OK, so here I am, sitting at my keyboard, tying to think of all that I have to do today. As I go through the litany of tasks and emails of all the fires that I have to put out, my mind starts drifting to my wife and kids. I find myself wishing I were home instead of typing away on an email that I've already answered a dozen times, but the guy on the other end just came seem to get it. I think about how right now, the kids are in their room, standing like inmates up against the baby gate that keeps them corralled, yelling, "Mommy come get us!" Sydney is probably asking if she can climb over the gate as Sarah tries her hardest to pretend that it's just a dream so she can get just a few more minutes of sleep before the chaos of being a stay-at-home-Mom ensues. I find myself smiling, but at the same time realizing that I'm missing it. So, the smile fades and is replaced by a frown. Not a sad frown, but just a frown that makes me question why I'm where I'm at and if it is ever going to change. I'm suddenly aware of the twinge in my heart that reminds me that I'm not really where I want to be in life. And, here it comes, the same ol' argument between myself and myself. I think about how much I want to take my family and start over in a simpler place, closer to family, where I'm not judged by how fit I look, or how "hard" I am. [Don't argue with me Sarah, just keep reading. :)] Then I start to do the calculations about how possible and probable it is to do what I want to do, and how difficult it would be. I start thinking about if we could get out of this house we bought at the wrong time. I start thinking about what I want to do when I grow up, if it isn't what I'm doing now. I start thinking about if my family would truly be as happy as I think we all would be. Then, I start to panic that it might never happen. It might not be what God wants for me. Why wouldn't He want this for me? It's not like I'm asking to be the next President of the U.S., right? I'm just asking for permission to live a simple life on some family land. Why would God hold out on me? Doesn't He know that is what my heart desires? Of course He does. He put it there right? So, now that I'm really worked up, I start thinking about my bills and my car (that just keeps limping right along) and the church and the to do list again. Then, I snap out of my spiral as I realize how ridiculous I'm being, panicking over something I can't really do anything about right now because of current obligations. So, I say I'm sorry to God for not trusting Him and I thank him for my life (which I truly am thankful for), and then I say those five words. "Well, it could be worse..."

I hope you enjoyed my little tour of a day in my head. It's typical, but not constant. But, I do feel it's pretty accurate and reflective of how a lot of us pursue God and try to put things into perspective. I think that, even though our are intentions are good and that we truly are tying to discipline our minds and hearts to be content, we do a disservice to God and His sovereignty by saying that it could be worse. Here's how.

If you believe that God is sovereign and has a plan for each and every person and wants to prosper us and use us, then you can't believe it could be worse. With that phrase, we are telling our selves to quit complaining and worrying about our "bad" situation because it could always be "worse." This is usually followed by some mental image of a starving family in Africa or an oppressed underground Church in China. Right? Well, my question is this. How can something that is perfect, be worse? It can't! Let me explain.

If we are where God wants us, doing the thing that God wants us to do, and seeking to bring Him glory in all of our actions and relationships, then it has to be perfect. Just because it might not be what we think we want and where we want to be, it isn't anything less than perfection because God doesn't make mistakes. He doesn't wake up and think, "Oops, I forgot about Garrett. I hope he's ok." He knows everything and sees all and He has purposed for me to be here typing this blog at 0843 on Tuesday, Sept 23, 2008. So, because He has done it, it's perfect. So, if it's not bad, then it can't be worse. It can't be anything but different for each person who trusts in Him. So, let's not get caught in the trap of trying to find solace in thinking that we'd better shut up and be happy because God could always make it worse. No, that's not how He operates. Yes, He does discipline us to increase our faith. But, that doesn't make the situation bad. It makes it perfect because we are right where He wants us. Now I will caveat this thought with the fact that if you are acting in a way that is in direct opposition with the Holy Spirit and you are blatantly disobeying God/sinning with an unrepentant heart, then things are probably bad. Those bad things though, are still meant for your good. God allows them to happen to you to cause you to repent and turn back to him. So, even in our sin and disobedience, God is in control. So, I guess it is still His perfect will for you??? Huh? Things to ponder...(Wow! That just hit me!)

So, long story a little longer...I am going to continue to long to live that simple life on my land with my family doing something different professionally. But, I'm not going to let it get in the way of doing my best where I'm at. Because, doing my very best at what I'm doing now honors God. Pouting and wishing I were somewhere else and holding my breath until it turns blue, doesn't do anything but make is worse on us. Like any good parent, God is not swayed by a temper tantrum for a kid who really, really wants his way. I am going to continue to trust that what God has for me is the best for me and my family, whether it's what I think I want or not. God does want to prosper us. It's not a big trick we're He's waiting to pull the rug out from under our feet just when we get comfortable. He truly does love us and has the best in store for us. It just might be different from what we're thinkingl. Then again, it could be exactly what we're thinking, just not right now. You never know! Maybe...oh, wait, there's another email I have to answer...The cycle continues...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Not a dime to my name..."

Today's verse: "Jesus looked at him and loved him. 'One thing you lack,' he said. 'Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'" --Mark 10:21

In case you haven't guessed it, or you haven't gone to your bible and read the preceding verses that this verse pertains to, this is the story of the rich young man. I have been reading through Mark and this verse just jumped out at me. Usually, when I read this story, all I see is the verse about how the young man has kept all of the commandments and then Jesus tells him essentially that he hasn't done enough. Jesus tells him that he must sell his possessions and give the money to the poor and then he'll be ready to follow Him. The typical lesson that is taught in Sunday school and from the pulpit is "don't love money more than God." This is a true lesson. Jesus expounds on why we should be wary of putting our trust in money and financial security by his analogy of the Camel fitting through the eye of the needle. This is all true. Placing your trust in money and material possessions might be the right answer in the world's eyes, but any security that those temporary things can provide is false. It can't really protect you. People can steal your stuff. Possessions can be destroyed. The value of all your money can deflate in a heartbeat.

For instance, I have some Iraqi dinar in my footlocker that has a picture of Saddam Hussein on it. I think it is like $1 million worth of dinar. Or was, at least. When I was over there, they were handing it out like toilet paper. I might as well wall paper my room with it because it is worthless. But, at one time, it was worth a fortune. Money, like anything, derives its value from that which it represents. Our paper money is worthless in and of itself. But it represents a claim to a certain percentage of the U.S.'s gold or silver stash. Therefore, it is valuable. But take away the stash of gold or silver or change the type of paper money, and the old stuff instantly loses its value.

That is why the word of God is so valuable and so important and why we should be consumed by it. On the surface it is just paper and ink, no more than any other piece of literature. But, think about what it represents! It represents the very spoken word of God. "All scripture is God-breathed..." It represents God's voice. And we all know that that is the only that is constant and unchanging. There is no threat of it ever losing it's value. God's word has stood and will continue to stand the test of time.

So, there's my intro. :)

Here's my point. If you look closely at verse 21, I think you might see what finally, after all of these years, jumped out at me. "Jesus looked at him and LOVED him." Jesus knew this man had a sincere heart. He knew he was different from the Pharisees. This man earnestly wanted to follow Him. But this man had a problem. He was too rich. He had too much and because no one had ever taught him another way, all of his dependence was on his wealth. Jesus was not trying to ridicule him or shame him. He was trying to open his eyes. I think that it is interesting that He didn't use a parable or riddle to reach this guy, like he did when the Pharisees were trying to trap Him. He was straight forward with him because he knew the guy's heart. The guy wasn't evil. He was just misguided.

Jesus wants more than anything to make us prosper; knowing Him is the only way we truly can. He doesn't want us to lack anything. Everything under the sun is His anyway. It's all His! So, if we have Him, don't we have everything? Even the non-believing father, when asked for a loaf of bread, wouldn't give his son a stone. How much more will God give to His children. We have to get past the lies that the American marketing companies and media are telling us. Power, money and fame a man do not make! Money doesn't define us! And all the money in the world can't save our souls either! Jesus wants to free us from the bondage of depending on money. It's a poison that can cloud everything else. It's like a drug. You'll never have enough. There will always be more to buy or to earn. How many lives have been ruined by the lure of money? It's like a hole. The bigger it gets, the more empty it gets. Jesus wants us to see that only by completely depending on Him can we truly be fulfilled.

Whether we have a lot of wealth or we have a little (and by whose standard are we measuring wealth?), we still belong to God, and that makes us the wealthiest people in the world because we are heirs to the ruler and creator of everything. No matter what the world says, our value isn't based on our wealth, status, fame, etc. Our value as people, in my opinion, is only as strong as who we represent. It's based on whose we are. Plain and simple. Who's backing you?

Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm back...

Sorry for the long pause. We went out of town for vacation. We drove from Orlando to Bangs (with a brief stop in Aggie Land--Whoop!) and stayed there for about 8 days. We got each of the kids cowboy boots with every intention of taking them to their first rodeo. Unfortunately, those plans fell through. But the boots are still cool! Sarah and I did manage to make it. It was Sarah's first experience around a rodeo. I think she enjoyed it. She got a new "I'm from Ohio and this is the closest I'll ever get to being a cowgirl" outfit and wore it well, if I do say so myself! Whew-wee!!! Then, we drove from Bangs, to Mascoutah, IL to in-law's house. We stayed there for a few days and I flew back to Orlando because I was out of vacation days. Sarah and the kids stayed and drove to Ohio with her parents for a wedding and then drove them to Virginia. Now, she is in Norfolk with Bryan, Kristen, and Kenan and I'm in lonely Orlando, all alone. :( Oh well! I'm making the most of it, finally watching all of the TV shows that I have on DVR that Sarah won't watch with me. I also rented some guy movies that Sarah wouldn't watch with me. Die Hard IV being the ultimate guy movie! I also plan to start blogging again. I just know that you all are just dying to read what's on my mind, right?!! Ha, ha. Anyway, I'm back, so you can stop wondering what happened. More to come...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I got it, I got it...oops, I don't got it!

*Careful, long entry*

Verse for the day:
"But what about you?" He asked. "Who do you say that I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ." -Mark 8:29
(After Jesus told his disciples that He must die and be resurrected)...Peter took him (Jesus) aside and began to rebuke Him. But when Jesus turned and looked at His disciples, He rebuked Peter. "Get behind me, Satan!" he said. "You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." -Mark 8:32-33(Italics mine).

So, here's a thought. How could Peter totally get it one moment and then completely miss it the next? I don't think it's as hard as it seems when you read the story and put yourself in Peter's situation. Think about it like this. You're following Christ. He's performing all kinds of miracles, casting out demons, calming raging storms, walking on water, and feeding thousands of people with a few loaves of bread, twice! If that wasn't enough, you're on the inside! You're in the "inner circle of trust." You're daily seeing your wildest dreams come true. Is there anyone reading this right now that wouldn't give anything to change places with Peter? I would love to be there! But, I'm not so sure I would handle myself any differently than Peter.

Think about this. You are in Peter's place. Knowing what you know and seeing what you've seen, how would you feel when Jesus tells you He has to die and rise again and ascend to Heaven. Basically, He tells you He's leaving you. Talk about a shock. Imagine being hit with that bolt of lightening! You've got all of these plans and you know you've been imagining your life 5, 10, 20 years from now and how much better it's going to be because Jesus is going to be King of Israel and rule the land and you've got a direct line with Him. Now, you see all of those dreams and plans going up in smoke. All those plans depend on Jesus being there. Now He tells you His time has come? Say what?

I can just imagine what Peter said to Jesus as he "rebuked" Him. You want to know how I know? Because I too have been guilty many times of rebuking Jesus in my life. I'm sure I'm not alone either. Think about it. What do we do when we see our plans crumble? We question God. We ask, "How can this be happening to me?" Heck, I usually pout for a few days...sometimes months if we're being honest here. In some form or fashion, we all voice to God our lack of understanding in what's going on. Just like Peter did. But why? How can we know that He is the Christ and that when we trust Him as our savior, we are now in His capable hands, yet still question whether or not He knows what He's doing? Or, how can we dare to question whether or not He's forgotten about us. Those very actions contradict what we know, don't they? So, why do we still do it?

The reason lies in Jesus' answer to Peter. "You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." We aren't thinking of the bigger picture. We aren't thinking about bring glory to the Father. We are worried about our plans and the sudden absence of the safety net that we've created for ourselves. We depend on our understanding of the situation as opposed to trusting God to fulfill His promises to us.

But be encouraged! Jesus doesn't hold grudges! Yeah! He not only forgives our unbelief, He helps to increase our faith by giving us understanding. He wants us to know and to trust Him; He continually shows up in our lives to prove it. We just have to make sure our minds are on Him and not on this world. The world doesn't dictate what we need, thankfully. Otherwise, we'd never have enough. Only God knows what we truly need and where we truly need to be! And He only wants the best for us! So, again, be encouraged! If nothing else, rest assured that you are loved today!

I hope this helps someone today. It helped me just by writing it. Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, here it is, my first attempt at the blog world. I figure with so many stay-at-home moms and scrap bookers out there managing to keep up-to-date blogs amidst their hectic schedules of feed, wash, nap, repeat (he, he), then surely I can master this pastime. :) After all, I'm on salary! No punch card for me!

Seriously, please don't hate me. I'm just poking a little fun at my wife whom I adore and am in total awe of every time she leaves me alone with our kids for a few hours. I don't know how she does it! She runs a tight ship and still manages to have time for me at the end of the day. I hope she knows I'm her biggest fan. If not, maybe she will now!

I've entitled this blog "Get your floaties..." (or at least I think I did) because for those who don't know me, that is my little saying for when the conversations go from the shallow, superficial "cubical" talk, to the thought provoking, assumption challenging conversations that only true friends can have. So, in this blog, I am going to record my deep thoughts (sort of a tribute to the late Jack Handy--did I just date myself...hmm...) as God lays them on me and share them with whoever is interested in reading them. I think this is a lot better mechanism than bogging up numerous email accounts my "thoughts for the day" .

I've called this first entry "Depth...5'" because, in keeping with the floaties theme, the 5' depth usually marks the start of the infamous "deep end" that as kids, most of us stand at as we muster up the courage to leave the safety of the shallow end to explore new and exciting areas of the pool. Then again, some of us just jumped right in the deep end, preferring only the areas in which our feet couldn't touch. We longed to exist somewhere between fear and exhilaration as we dove down to see if we could touch the bottom and how long we could stay there before coming up for air. That was me and my brothers! The shallow end is for babies!

That is how I feel about our walk with God. Staying in the shallow end of the "pool" is for baby Christians. We were meant for the deep end! We are meant to swim where we know we can't touch and where we are forced to allow God to show us the way and teach us knew life-saving (or giving) strokes that get us through life. Let's face it, you'll never learn how to swim if you're content to tread only where your feet can touch. This is because you'll never have to learn.

That might be ok for some people, but not for me! Look at all the fun stuff you miss out on. Did you ever notice that the diving board was always at the deep end? It doesn't get any better than leaping off the diving board and free-falling into that big expanse of blue! Awesome!! But, if you're too afraid or lazy to explore beyond that 5' line, you'll never know, right? The same is true with following Christ. If you're too afraid to let go of your life and trust him as he leads you to where your feet can't touch, you'll never know the utter joy that comes with the assurance that you're in His capable hands and that you're going to places far better than that shallow end. Plus, you'll discover parts of yourself and capabilities that you never knew existed. Swimming where you're feet can't touch will do that for you.

Anyway, this is my first attempt at stepping past that 5' line. I'm putting my thoughts and insights out on the open web, exploring my writing style to find one that fits. I know I'll probably get some criticism (if anyone other than my family actually reads it, that is), and I know that will hurt. But, hopefully, at least one person might be helped by what is typed on here. If that happens, then I know it was worth it. After all, if I'm not willing to step out of my comfort zone on the chance of bringing God glory, then why even get in the pool? Right?

Here's the verse for the day:
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it." Mark 8:34-35

May you be blessed and may the Holy Spirit reveal truths you never knew existed. Let's take a swim.