Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm back...

Sorry for the long pause. We went out of town for vacation. We drove from Orlando to Bangs (with a brief stop in Aggie Land--Whoop!) and stayed there for about 8 days. We got each of the kids cowboy boots with every intention of taking them to their first rodeo. Unfortunately, those plans fell through. But the boots are still cool! Sarah and I did manage to make it. It was Sarah's first experience around a rodeo. I think she enjoyed it. She got a new "I'm from Ohio and this is the closest I'll ever get to being a cowgirl" outfit and wore it well, if I do say so myself! Whew-wee!!! Then, we drove from Bangs, to Mascoutah, IL to in-law's house. We stayed there for a few days and I flew back to Orlando because I was out of vacation days. Sarah and the kids stayed and drove to Ohio with her parents for a wedding and then drove them to Virginia. Now, she is in Norfolk with Bryan, Kristen, and Kenan and I'm in lonely Orlando, all alone. :( Oh well! I'm making the most of it, finally watching all of the TV shows that I have on DVR that Sarah won't watch with me. I also rented some guy movies that Sarah wouldn't watch with me. Die Hard IV being the ultimate guy movie! I also plan to start blogging again. I just know that you all are just dying to read what's on my mind, right?!! Ha, ha. Anyway, I'm back, so you can stop wondering what happened. More to come...


Kris said...

We miss you! Wish you were here!

The McKennas said...

Keep the deep thoughts coming because my floaties are standing by!
